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Thursday, 13 December 2012

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Seducing an Aries Man

How to Seduce an Aries Man

He is impatient, impulsive, self-absorbed and direct but yet he turns you on and challenges your every move. He might be your boss, he might be a colleague but somehow he got under your skin and slid right into your fantasies. All that an Aries man has to do is walk through your line of sight and he has you, salivating for more and changing your panties. With all that confidence and natural charm, he can have whatever or whomever he desires and more. How can you get him to notice you? What does it take to wake up in his bed every morning? Though the Aries man himself isn’t simple, seducing him is. One you seduce him, be prepared to work… though let us cross that bridge when we get there.

Seduction, emulating… when it comes to an Aries man it is all the same. He wants a worthy adversary, someone to challenge him and make him work. He wants a partner that is just as good if not better than he. As a person of interest YOU MUST be able to give as good as you get. The Aries man is all business all the time. He gives everything he has at everything he wants but how long he wants it is up to you. His determination does not let him stop until he conquers a task but once he completes a task his impulsive drive moves him on to another. He needs to see your layers and know that just because he has fully explored one, there are many more to follow. Get him to explore those layers by letting him think it was his idea to begin with.
Start with a smile and your intelligence. If you are not of common sense and a sound communicator, move on and cut your losses. Your smile and bright eyes as you recognize or complement something he works on will be your way in. The more conversation and I mean conversation of substance now not just facts or stats, will give you the opportunity to slide into HIS fantasies and make him think of ways to seduce you. As you continue to recognize his good points pepper a few double entendres throughout the conversation. He will continue to show off to you and up the anty with his flirting but do not give in so easily. The quicker you give in, the quicker he will want to move on to something else. Have fun with the flirting, make it a challenge. As long as he knows he is making progress, he will continue to bring his a-game. Remember, making his cheeks blush is probably making something lower flush. That is a good thing because to snag an Aries man you have to be able to turn both of his heads on.
The Aries man wants a partner who is full of confidence, has a brain but isn’t afraid to use it, and has a life. Within that confidence and intelligence should be a partner that has a naughty and impulsive streak. The more you feel you can let loose and express your desires no matter how crazy will give you more time with the man you desire. He is comfortable flying by the seat of his pants… with or without the pants on him mind you. Making him believe you are a worthy mate is showing him you can keep up his pace and then some out in the street or later on between the sheets. Never let the flirting falter, it is the one thing Aries men love in spades. It keeps their mind sharp, their blood pumping and that sweet extension below the belt hard.
One thing you will never have to worry is the time involved to seduce your man. In this case, when an Aries is turned on, their direct approach and impatient nature work to your favor. They want what they want as soon as they can get it and will be happy with any part of it. Once they get you, do not give him all of you just yet. Piece by piece, layer by layer;  just like the way you seduced him. When you get that first date, understand that everything depends on his first impressions. The clothes you wear, the way you smell will be very important to him. Your clothing should show confidence and make an impact to complement the scent that promises at lot more fun later. If you pick the place for the date, make sure it has style and character. Always be in the moment and in the mood. Dazzle him with your smiles, impress him with real intelligence and keep him on his toes with your witty banter and well placed flirts.
As the first date ends, when you say good night – go in as you would for the kiss but move to his ear and say “thank you for the evening” as sexy as you please. When you leave him afterward, you will leave him with a smirk on his face and the need for more. Consistently give him more, little by little at each date. Tease him too much with no sense of progress and he will deem you lame and move on. When you finally get to the kiss and then later the sex… give as good as you get. Let him taste your lust and let him feel your heat. If that kiss rocks his core then he will be back for a whole lot more. Enjoy, because all your hard work has paid off.
In the end, the Aries man wants to feel loved and needed. He wants to feel as if he is protecting, providing and being everything he can for his mate. Stay honest and direct and praise his good points. Be flexible to allow for his impulsiveness and understand at times he is quite impatient and sports a jealous streak. Take advantage of his lustful and romantic sides, there you will always win. The Aries man is an excellent partner, you made the right choice. Now go and have the best time of your life.

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